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Reviews about the "Soviet Air Defence Aviation 1945-1991"
The Average Review score is 4.7 on a scale of 5.0. Total 6 reviewers are considered to generate the average review. Some of the new or latest reviews in Military might be helpful and interesting to you. This average review is fetched by Kirsten Tranter and posted on 17 March
5 stars
4 stars
#5 Stars: 4 , #4 Stars: 2 ,
[ 4.0 stars ]
"This volume tells the Soviet side of the Cold War as it affected Soviet air defenses in the 50's thru the fall of the Soviet Union. It's amazing how both parties mis-estimated what was going on on the other side. ..."
Courtesy by Amazon - The Military review is genenrated by mr katcup "red"
which was written on March 18, 2013
Review fetched on August 28, 2013 by Books Central.
[ 5.0 stars ]
"An excellent book on Soviet air defense aircraft from 1945 to 1991. Filled with black and white and color pictures to make any modeler go nuts. Profile and plan view of the aircraft discussed are included. The last chapter includes specs on Soviet built missiles that are used by the aircraft depicted in this book and has many pictures of the missiles as well. This book is divided in the following ..."
Courtesy by Amazon - The Military review is genenrated by avi8tor4life
which was written on February 26, 2013
Review fetched on August 28, 2013 by Books Central.
[ 5.0 stars ]
"This book is very well written and the translation is excellent. The book is complete in its coverege of the subject and the illustrations are of excellent quality. ..."
Courtesy by Amazon - The Military review is genenrated by John A. Fornshell
which was written on February 17, 2013 1 users liked the review and gave their verdict that this review was intuitive enough to select or buy the Military out of 2 users. Review fetched on August 28, 2013 by Books Central.
[ 4.0 stars ]
"Comprehensive and a useful piece of any cold war military history library. Some great info about the korean airliners incidents and an array of rare photos ..."
Courtesy by Amazon - The Military review is genenrated by Christopher Marshall
which was written on January 27, 2013 3 users liked the review and gave their verdict that this review was intuitive enough to select or buy the Military out of 3 users. Review fetched on August 28, 2013 by Books Central.
[ 5.0 stars ]
"This text is the third in a series of texts on various aspects of Soviet Aviation (Long-Range Aviation, Tactical Aviation, Air Defense) and provides a unique view into the mindset of Russian authors when dealing with defense of the Motherland. The recounting of interceptions of US and British overflights ( and there were a lot of them) in the first chapter is the first such list that I have seen i ..."
Courtesy by Amazon - The Military review is genenrated by C. A. Stidsen
which was written on January 17, 2013 7 users liked the review and gave their verdict that this review was intuitive enough to select or buy the Military out of 8 users. Review fetched on August 28, 2013 by Books Central.
Average Review : 5.0 of 5.0, produced from 1 customer reviews.
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Product Specification
Brand: Hikoki Publications
Used Book in Good Condition
Hikoki Publications
Hikoki Publications
Hikoki Publications
Hikoki Publications
Soviet Air Defence Aviation 1945-1991
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